It’s the video everyone is talking about.1×360/0SLjSO4IxSKNFTCl.mp4 :
Too bad, no one is thinking through it. It’s a fake. Hadley had a miscarriage. She didn’t need a “rape and incest” abortion. The truth is that Hadley Duvall, now in her early 20s, became pregnant but miscarried.
Her stepfather, Jeremy Whitledge, would later plead guilty to raping her and is now serving prison time.2
Lest the word rape call to mind violence, Hadley has said it was by deception, not by force:
“I was in seventh-grade, I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I asked him why he was doing what he was doing, and he manipulated me and told me that this is normal and that this is love and that’s what love is. So, that’s what I believed.”3
Now she uses her story in a deceptive way to support the Democrat political agenda, but Hadley Duvall is not alone in her deception. Various elected officials have claimed that a lack of rape and incest exceptions is somehow problematic, including Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Michelle Keller during oral arguments in the case last November.
“This court sees 10- and 11-year-olds who are impregnated by rape and incest,” Keller told Solicitor General Matthew Kuhn.4Wonder what the judge is talking about? How many Kentucky 10yr olds get raped and go before the Ky Supreme Court? “That’s not just an issue of preserving life, that’s an issue of safety and health. In most cases, it’s just not safe or healthy for a 10-year-old child to carry a child to term.”5 Of course there was no evidence in the record to support her contention. It is just a judge making a sweeping generalization on a subject about which she has no relevant, admissible evidence in the case. Usually, we call that ,”bias”.
Naturally the politician in Cameron obliterated his spine. In the face of such a emotional lie, he lost his nerve and gave up his principles. Instead of continuing to defend the unborn child who committed no crime and was not threat to the mother, Daniel decided to waffle. He said that if the legislature gives him a bill making exception for rape and incest he’ll sign it. What happened to his… hormones?
Of what is the pre-born infant guilty, that she should be killed?
Do we give any consideration of that the child conceived in rape is also a victim? A child has a natural right to a mother and a father joined together to care for the child. A child also has a right not to be killed. Consider these:
Rebecca Kiessling: Save the 1:
Or if you really don’t get it, let a young mother tell you how it really is:
And just for the record, there are many other examples:
Does anyone seriously believe we should kill a child for the crime of his or her parent? That’s insane.
The lies and confusion seem to overrun our ability to think.